Monday, September 8, 2008

Sarah Palin-yet again

Ok, first off, I agree with just about everything Rowell said. If the Democrats get caught up in this character warfare the Republicans are putting out there, we stand a great chance of giving the White House to the Republicans in January. We need to keep it to the issues-the issues are where the Republicans are dead wrong. Like Rowell stated in the previous blog, McCain is not strong on the economy...he wants a war which his running mate says "is in God's hand" so I guess that means McCain and Palin doesn't exactly have an exit plan for us since God has a plan for it????

This gets me to the point of this particular blog. The last person to "talk to God" was George W. Bush and well, that got us pretty far. The far religious right is killing this country. Be religious, have your faith-no one is saying no. The First Amendment gives you this right and no one can ever take it from you. However, it is when religion becomes an excuse for things that I have a problem. I am a huge believer in God as are the others blogging on this site and it really sickens me when people USE God where God should NOT be an excuse for bad decisions. Now GWBush stated that this was a crusade (when we first started fighting these 2 wars) and that was perhaps the WORST mistake he ever made. That makes a jihad justified and basically says no rules apply since its a Crusade-a Holy War. Apparently Palin did not get the memo on this and continues to say that we are doing God's work in Iraq. I wonder if the McCain camp knows that CNN and HBO and FOX are worldwide cable networks-just because its American news doesnt meant that others are not hearing what we're saying!!!!

Other than the God issue I have with the Republicans in this particular election:
1. Palin's decision to keep her child is not a pro-life decision. There are many women who are pro-choice who would also make the same decision. That choice is NOT reserved for pro-lifers!!!!!
2. Her child's decision to keep her child is not a pro-life decision as many pro-choice people also keep their children. We need to stop making her a hero for pro-life because of these 2 issues because she's NOT!!!!!
3. Her child's decision to have unprotected pre-marital sex should influence her decision to stop abstinence-only education and start promoting safe-sex education which ALSO TEACHES ABSTINENCE!!!!!

I'll end with what I started with: we need to stick to the issues!!! the whole thing about lobbyists and all of that is total BS from the Republicans sicne Palin sent Lobbyists to DC for the Bridge to Nowhere and then when the nickname took hold, decided against it. Palin sold that helicopter(not on EBay) and LOST money off the deal...

Dr. Laura (highly conservative republican) is anti-palin because of the whole family thing. ITS NOT DEMOCRATS THAT ARE CONCERNED ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!! its the Republicans!!! and its such a major non-issue that the media is on it like we are on Britney Spears! GET BACK TO THE THINGS THAT MATTER!!!!!! (BTW, the Democrats are the ones who, for the past 30+years, have been fighting for working mothers and their rights! such as equal pay for examply. Does it really make sense that it would be the Democrats who criticize a hard working mother????? I mean seriously think about that one for a minute!!!!)

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