Saturday, September 6, 2008

Green is the new Black

First of all, I am very impressed by all the blog entries. You guys are certainly keeping me entertain through my boring classes and keeping me busy during the excruciating hours between laying in bed and actually falling asleep.

As some of you may know, I am still disappointed about Sen. Hillary not getting the nomination. Get over it Pam! Fine, I am over it. I have an obligation, however, to give her credit for her remarkable attitude towards it all and her unprecedented effort to unite the Democratic party. Her speech at the DNC was both amazing and impactful. As CNN reported, the overall feeling in Denver was that the message was sent and it was delivered.

Although I disagree with some of Obama’s proposed future policies on immigration, cutting taxes and premature withdrawing in troops Iraq (just to name a few) here are some of my personal concerns with the Republicans: the McCain and Palin ticket.

After listening to Miss Congeniality’s speech at the RNC on Wednesday I couldn’t help but wonder what was he thinking when he picked her. As Runnie and Lindsey previously stated, if his political strategy was to turn RED all the angry women that supported Hillary to support him merely because he picked a women as his VP running mate, he was very wrong. As a woman, I fell insulted by his misconception. I am not doing justice to the exact quote, but in one of his autobiographies, McCain wrote that sometimes he makes precipitated decisions and a positive trait about of his personality that he has learned over the years how to live with those bad decisions. Accepting your mistakes is one thing, making me, my future children and their children pay for it is something else. He is NOT the kind of president America needs now, especially, after past 8 years of the Bush Doctrine. Americans are well known for its entrepreneurship and for our ability to critically think things thoroughly. For instance, the majority of the products that are sold here are “made in China” but thought, created and developed inside the US. At least we haven’t outsourced all our ideas, not just yet, as Thomas Freedman would argue.

I do not understand why women would support Gov. Palin. She is against abortion and teaching our children sex education in our public schools. To make this issue clear, as a Christian, I am not pro-abortion but I am pro-choice. For many reasons, including economic reasons, I believe that women should have the choice. Have you read the chapter about abortion in Freakeconomics by Steven Levitt? As far as abortion’s morality is concerned, it is not up to me to judge.

My biggest issue with the McCain/Palin ticket is the fact that they both call for the end of our dependency on foreign oil. I know you are now probably pulling out your hair and wondering what in earth am I talking about right? Here it is, I agree that we should stop buying foreign oil. Besides sending our hard worked dollars abroad, purchasing foreign oil funds many activities that the US should not wish to be associated with, such as funding rogue regimes in the Middle East, Russia and parts of Africa. My concern here is, we should not only stop our dependency for foreign oil, but we should stop or at least curb our thirst for oil period. I agree with Lindsey and her concern about the Jersey shore. I love the Jersey shore. You all know what happens in Seaside stays in Seaside and let’s hopefully keep it that way. But I have to disagree with a remark that she made about preserving our shore line but drilling in somebody else’s backyard. Oil is outdated. I encourage you all to read Thomas Freedman’s columns in the New Times. He recently wrote two opinions on the candidate that I have to completely agree with. Green is the new Black. One of the next president’s major challenges will be the economy. “It is the Economy, stupid” Clinton said. Green forms of energy will revitalize and diversity our economy and create many new jobs.

I just cannot grasp the fact that the Governador of the one state in the US that has suffered the most with the effects of global warning, does not believe in its concept and its consequences. I would like to get together with her maybe 30 years down the line over coffee to talk about the changes that Alaska has faced. I am sure her grandchildren will no longer be hockey players for there will be no more ice.


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