Saturday, September 13, 2008

BlueWave campaign training (9/13/08)

Hey all.
Today was an amazing morning. Rowell, Pam, Lindsey, Sham, and I attended a BlueWave campaign training event. This is a grassroot organization that is simply amazing. Governor Corzine, both of NJ's US Senator's were there: Bob Menendez(jr. Senator) and Frank Lautenberg (sr. Senator), along with a few of those running for re-election in the House and/or those running against incumbant Republicans, Linda Stender, David Kurkowski, Steven Rothman, Dennis Shulman, etc. (the 15 Congressional representatives were not all there, but a few were).

They were vibrant speakers who wowed the crowd of about 500 New Jerseyans. Today I felt proud to be a New Jerseyan!!!!! Not that I'm not always proud, I love this state, but in terms of the national politics, it was simply amazing. I felt like I was in a mini convention while they were speaking. Linda Stender, in particular, got to me-there are NO WOMEN in the NJ delegation to Congress-SHE will be the ONLY WOMAN in the NJ delegation when she wins it this November! It's time we change the status quo and elect her in her district! If you are in the 7th Congressional District, please please get out there and vote on November 4th!!!! She needs your help to help you!!!

Also, Bob Menendez alluded to Bill Clinton's Convention Speech, in which he stated (and I'm not quoting exactly because i will do it no justice) that America, in order to restore her favor in the world, must NOT lead by the example of our force, but by the force of our example...meaning, stop scaring the world with our big bombs! Diplomacy works best!!!!

We are the party of Franklin Roosevelt-the party that says we care about the people and COMMUNITY ORGANIZING IS NOT A JOKE!!! (sorry to ruin that for ya Rudy!) See, the Republicans know that they win when people don't participate, but guess what: WE ARE PARTICPATING because of people like Barack Obama who get out there and show us that there actually are politicians that care about the people!

This is why they chose Sarah Palin as their token woman! Let's face it, Palin has no real experience: she send lobbyists to DC to get money for her state and then when she gets the money, she uses it for something totally different; she doesn't care about the health of women, especially mental health; she doesn't care about the effects humans have on global warming which is evident in her wanting to drill-I wonder what that would do to the environment!!!! In fact, she denies that humans have any part to play in global warming. Do we really want someone who rejects anything that could possibly help the people in Office????

We want politicians who care. Americans are disillusioned with politics because of the things I've stated above about both Palin and McCain (in fact). In the words of the soon to be Congressman (and because I'm sure we're turning NJ totally blue in November) The Honorable Dennis Shulman, we don't want a "McBush" presidency in November!!! We want people who care about the people and that means not only electing Barack Obama to be President of our 50 incredibly great states and our territories, but turning NJ blue and the rest of the nation blue as well!!!! We can do it, so long as everyone turns out! Please get out on November 4th and voice your dissatisfaction with the "McBush" policies!!!!

-Aruna (Runie)

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