Monday, September 15, 2008

Nine (9) Reasons Why I Don't Support Sarah Palin

Hey all, some of these have be stated in my previous blogs which is why I started each with a topic and went on to talk about that particular topic. If you have read something I've written on the subject before, feel free to skip it. I hope I didn't make any typos but please forgive any should you come across here and there
1. NRA: they (Palin in particular) is anti-guncontrol laws....this means more people can access guns with less restrictions. more VA Tech? more NIU? I think not! (Last VP to be a part of the NRA, by the way, was Dick Cheney-you know the VP that shot a guy while hunting????)

2. Pro Life Stand: they both don't support abortions, and Palin has stated not even in the case of rape (straight out of her mouth during an interview replayed on CNN). Ok, lets not be concerned with the mental rammifications of rape and make sure that all individuals have a child they are not physically or mentally prepared for! genius ideas there McPalin....

3. Off Shore drilling-Palin influenced McCain into the whole offshore drilling thing for oil. First off, I recently found out that it takes about 10 years for the oil to reach the surface once the oil rig is set up. Secondly, I guess the Republicans don't really care about the environment (It took Bush Jr. forever to finally realize the effects of Global Warming and Sarah Palin herself does not believe that human beings are the cause of Global Warming). Secondly, I guess it was stupid of me to expect a hunter to understand the environmental effects this will have on wildlife. They obviously don't care.

4. The Banning of Books: Sorry but I believe it is up to the parent what his or her child reads and not the governor of a state. I think it is incredibly horrible that she would even consider doing such a thing! Let me impose my views on everyone else!???? I love how the Republicans totally skip over the 1st Amendment and automatically go to the Second. They also tend to skip over the Fourth! This is horrendous to me. We need to protect our Constitution. It is the single most important document in our democracy (totally not excluding the Declaration of Independence, but that doesn't give us a democratic government-the US Constitution does).

5. Tax Cuts: In an economy where the American budget is so deep in a hole, how can we think about cutting our revenue?????? Because of the Bush tax cuts, we have seen a consistent bad economy. Even when our economy had an up-turn, it was short lived. The past 8 years might as well have been a depression, but the Republicans never wanted the word recession used! And the McPalin administration wants to continue this ineffective and irresponsible way of dealing with the economy!

6. the Media: don't be fooled by what the media puts out on Palin. The choice to keep her 4-month old is not a Pro-life decision....there are many people who are pro-choice that would opt for the same thing as Palin did! The choice of her daughter to keep her child is not a Pro-life issue....many pro-choice individuals would opt for the same thing as Bristol! The whole thing about her being a mother of 5 and running the government is a total and complete non-issue that came out of the Religious Right (Dr. Laura) not the Left! The media jumped on Dr. Laura and continued with the very topic over and over again, without quoting Dr. Laura every time, making the general public actually think it was the Democrats (and by association, the Obama camp) that brought it up-nothing could be further from the truth considering it is the Democrats who consistently fight for equality (of the sexes and of the races and of the sexual orientations).

7. VOUCHERS!!!!!!!!!!!: OMG, the most horrible thing any public school person will ever hear!!!!! lets keep the bad schools bad and the good ones good and those that can afford it or are lucky enough to get a voucher (in the bad districts) can get their kids out. The dumbing down of our educational system! But that's typical of the Republicans because they win when people don't question....If we dumb down the system, people will not question and will not participate! What a concept!

8. Abuse of Power: We see this time and time again with the Republicans in particular. Good ol Nixon employed the use of the "Plumbers" to spy on the Democrats at the Watergate Hotel to ensure his re-election (then he conviently forgot about what happened and the fact that there were hours of deleted tape from the Oval Office.) As I've already stated, Palin used her position as mayor to ensure the firing of a public librarian who refused to ban certain books from the Wasilla Public Library. As governor, she continued this abuse when he supposedly fired a man (state trooper) because he refused to fire Sarah Palin's sister's ex husband. Her sister was apparently in the middle of a horrible divorce when Palin reportedly asked and STRESSED over the firing of this State Trooper.

9. Earmarks and The Bridge to Nowhere: As mayor of Wasilla, Sarah Palin sent lobbyists to DC for the purpose of getting $$ for the Bridge to Nowhere. When she became governor (after the American Public nicknamed it the Bridge to Nowhere), she decided against the Bridge (due of popular demand); however, it was AFTER she got the money for it!

-When people ask me why I don't support Sarah Palin and by association, John McCain, I cite these reasons. I am not a woman who simply sees another woman and says "Hey cool-I'll vote for her!" The women who do so, are simply not for equality and deserve the second class standing they currently enjoy in society. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but it's true. Sarah Palin, in my own words: an anti-woman woman! She, and McCain, like George W. Bush, simply do not care about the common man nor do they care for equality. They see the status quo as equal...however, it's NOT equal. Sarah Palin is simply an extension of the Phyllis Schaffley sort of view that knocked the ERA down in the 70's. I am a proud woman who supports equality and the future of this country and because I care about this country, I SIMPLY CANNOT SUPPORT A MCCAIN/PALIN/BUSH ADMINISTRATION!!!!!!!! (Yea, I actually love this country and I'm a Democrat! NEWS to the Republicans probably...)

-Aruna (Runie)

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