Thursday, August 28, 2008


I have been a huge supporter of Hillary Clinton since I was 14. I have nothing but respect for this amazing American leader. She is a champion for children, for the middle class, for the uninsured. Hillary Clinton has consistently done what was right for America. So, when her name went into the running to become the presidential nominee of the Democratic party, there was no doubt that I would support her. Super Tuesday came about and my car became a "Honk for Hillary" car. I wish I could have done much more for her campaign but unfortunatly senior year of college along with working in a school district left me little to no time to campaign. Towards the end of the primary process I chose to volunteer at a phone bank although all hope for her success was already lost.

After her defeat in the primaries, I knew I could not support John McCain to lead our country back to glory; however, I also did not support Barack Obama completely either. This left me in a very odd position as I would be one of the members of the e-board of the Hamor's Head Club for Democrats. I had to attend events and host events for a person I didn't feel totally comfortable with. I watched every bit of the Convention up until today (Wednesday night). I watched Hillary's speech last night and OH MY GOD!!!!!! Hillary is such an inspiration! I continued to watch with Bill's speech today, followed by Joe Biden accepting his Vice Presidential Nomination. After the first 2-Hillary and Bill, I now feel totally comfortable with campaigning for Barack Obama (although i am still looking forward to what he has to say tomorrow!)

It is time to restore America to her former glory!

It is time to restore a growing middle class!

It is time to restore the American dream to the American people! For the past 8 years, the American Dream was just a dream fading in the distance. With a Democrat back in office, that dream can once again become a reality...and not just a reality for the few, but finally for the many!

It is time to restore foreign faith in America-trust in America to be responsible with the use of force as a LAST RESORT ONLY!!

It is time to restore fiscal responsiblity.

Finally, it is time to bring the donkeys back to the White House with Obama!

I am inspired once again and I cannot wait to hear Obama's speech tomorrow night!

My final year as an undergrad at Kean starts next week and what a year it will be! I have so many ideas for Hamor's Head Club for Democrats and I hope you will join me and my fellow members of Hamor's Head in campaigning around the Kean community to bring the above back. It's time we take back America!

-Aruna (Runie)

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