Thursday, August 28, 2008

An Alliance of A Lot of Folks: What's the Deal?

I was watching this . . . "an alliance of a lot of folks" (Griff Jenkins - rookie Fox News journalist)

"What’s the political calculation that speaks to them of the wisdom of civil disobedience — which means a massive media spectacle — on the brink of a Democratic campaign that could plausibly put a Democrat in the White House who’s committed to withdrawal from Iraq?", Todd Gitlin roughly posed, an anti-Vietnam war protestor who attend the 1968 DNC.

He touched the gist of what I'm thinking; "what's the deal man?" Barack Obama is officially the Democratic 2008 Presidential Candidate by acclamation, due to Hillary's motion at the DNC yesterday. The first major black candidate in U.S. history to lead in the current polls (though barely)--a liberal compared to the likes of JFK, who is adept at enlivening the political landscape and getting out the issues (both with celebrity and politicking)--issues long circumnavigated by the Bush II administration, who is in my opinion likely to be elected come November 4th, thus shoring up the U.S.'s image in the world and domestic sphere and who helped galvanize historic high voter turnouts in the primaries . . . so what's the deal? Why the angst? What is Recreate 68 trying to get across besides their radicalism and effrontery? 135 of them were arrested yesterday, far away from the Pepsi Center and more are believed to show up in today. The weird part is their bone to pick is primarily with the Democrats. The GOP Convention at St. Paul is not going to attract the flocks one would expect from them.

So, on their website, Recreate 68' says they are "committed to resisting and overturning the system of violence inflicted daily on the people of this country and the world, and against the natural environment, by political and corporate power in the pursuit of profit." Fair enough. Mostly the same stuff Obama highlights on the pulpit. What's the difference? Maybe the former includes Obama in the "political and corporate power" and therefore invalidates his candidness or maybe the latter is just a candid politician who tries his best within the Washington Machine.

Either way, this post is specifically intended for feedback, comments. The questions are not rhetorical and are addressed to you. The protestors are compromised of environmenatlists, feminists, socialists, animal rights activits and consumer advocates--an alliance of a lot of folks whose respective causes are what gave branch and root to the 1960's movements. It's 2008, a black popular candidate is on the horizon, so what's the deal?


ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors

..."political and corporate power in the pursuit of profit?"

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